Saturday, July 7, 2007

HEC Follow-up

Last week we finished the Husband Encouragement Challenge for the month June. I was so proud of myself -- I did the final homework assignment including the 10 things to continue and applicable scripture verses. However, I left off one important piece of the assignment -- decide how you are going to hold yourself accountable. What would I be completing on a regular basis to continue with the challenge? Sarah encouraged me to "think about it."

Well, she struck me with her question. I was so pleased that I had gotten through the month of June with correct answers / responses -- now I had to continue with this stuff!?!

This past week I determined that each week I would reflect to what had taken place and how the challenge helped me handle something or helped me identify issues that needed work. So, here goes with my first reflection....

The week was harder than the whole month of June. Maybe it was letting down my guard to what I ought to do -- so some pretty nasty thoughts / words popped into my head. And sometimes, those unacceptable thoughts were "pop" in, but take residence because I did not chase them out. After all... I wasn't sharing with others as part of the assignment...

Needless to say, God spoke loudly to my heart that the work was not finished -- and would never be finished. On a daily basis I must crucify the flesh to live for Him. And thinking others more important than myself is part of that daily battle.

So, back to the basics. What do I appreciate / value about my husband? He is Godly -- striving to live a life acceptable to the Lord. He prays at every meal -- offering thanksgiving for what Our Father has given us for nourishment. On a regular basis he undertakes tasks that must be done rather than my doing everything -- like washing dishes after each meal, cleaning the upstairs bath, washing towels and other laundry, taking out the trash and then putting it by the curbside on Monday night. He celebrates with me when I pass accounting exams as I work on my Certified Management Accountant title. He goes on walks and rides his bike with me...

The list could continue -- but now my heart is peaceful again as I put the focus on good, not bad; others more important; being a servant of Christ.

Praise God from whom all blessings flo. A big blessing is my husband.


Anonymous said...

Have you continued in that early habit of assessing ways that you can improve in encouraging Dad and maintaining a positive attitude?

Servant Becca said...

Actually, yes, although getting to the computer and writing them down has not been as timely. Thinking can take place anywhere, but computer work can only take place at a computer. =)

I think the husband encouragement challenge should be continued -- forever. Not something to pick up only when things are going well, but something to review to keep things going well.

Thanks for asking. Knowing others are interested reminds me that posting not only keeps me on track - but lets others know God's grace acting within our lives.