This morning I am thinking of the many blessings that I have from our Heavenly Father. Although it is not Thankful Thursday, as I sit back and reflect I realize that many prayers have been answered -- and I am indeed thankful.
Of course, this line of thinking was set in process by something that is not preferred. I sit in the Navy Lodge in CT instead of Sarah & Kevin's -- because my tummy has been very demanding this morning. At first, I just wanted to cry -- here I am so close to my daughter's family but I felt it best to stay in the motel as I get my tummy settled.
I realized as Marshall left to be Grandpa that I could sit here and wallow in the disappointment, or I could step back and praise God for the blessings that I do have.
Of course, the first on the list this morning is the new blessing of Hannah Elizabeth within the family. She is a beautiful baby with a temperment (at least for now) that seems so non-demanding. She just goes with the flow -- enjoying being held or put down, enjoying eating or just being held, observing what is around her without claiming attention in the midst.
And her sibling, Eli (Elijah William), is another blessing. He has a quick smile and is so creative with his play. He can enjoy someone playing with him or just bounce around with his own thoughts driving his attention.
And both are healthy and happy. They have all their fingers and toes; they seem involved in the world around them, but not overwhelmed. And although they are very good children, one knows that they have their own interests and preferrences -- not just following what they have been commanded.
I am blessed by Sarah and her husband Kevin. They make such a beautiful couple -- their interaction and working together is an example for even us old fogies. And yet they retain their own personalities to be a person all in themselves.
And God gave me two wonderful children. Not only can I be proud of Sarah who now has her own family that she is raising to know the Lord, but also I can thank God for Paul.
A new item for him is the addition of another person within his life. He has committed to a relationship with a young lady that really does seem to be an answer to prayer. Their relationship seems built on the rock of Jesus Christ -- so what more could one hope or dream for their child?
Health, happiness, and serving the Lord -- what a wish by a Mom for her children. And they both seem to have those elements.
Another very important person is my life -- another blessing from God -- is my husband. Although there have been times I wanted to ring his neck, the overall picture is wonderful. And through some tools (like husband encouragement challenge), I am learning to honor and respect him even more.
The list of blessings can extend for quite some space -- like blessing of family and friends, a wonderful job, snow and beauty outside, the comforts of shelter, clothing and food, opportunities to go or to stay (like going to see grandchildren or staying home to read a book), health and happiness, and Bibles, and other fun books to read, pop or tea or water to drink.
And those are things for this earth. What about the blessings that we have coming in the eternal life because we know and serve Jesus?
So what started as a not-very-good-day can now be looked at as one that I can truly be thankful for. For God has poured forth His blessings in a variety of ways.
And I am thankful and give Him praise. Even for today as I sit at the Navy Lodge with my grandkids a mile away. For He is good and great - and I praise Him for sharing His peace and joy with me this morning.
Always be glad because of the Lord! I will say it again: be glad. Always be gentle with others. The Lord will soon be here. Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.
Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't evern stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise.
Phil 4:4-8